If you missed it, here is part 1.

Enter scaffolding tools

What is a scaffolding tool?

Okay, Jekyll is a static page generator and gives you the ability to transform your markdown posts into html pages, but from a reusability point of view, it is sort of limited. Are you going to use jekyll for all your apps? Maybe, maybe not.

That’s why you may want to look for a scaffolding tool. Yes, you know; those metal or bamboo structures around buildings when they are getting built. Doesn’t matter which kind of building / app you want to build, you can use a scaffold.

Okay, where can I find one?

Yeoman is one of them. Want to build a blog with Jekyll? Yeoman’s got your back. Want to build an Angular app? Yeoman’s got your back. It has more than a thousand generators to help you build the app or website you want to build. Oh, and a generator is just a bunch of recipes, they have generators / recipes for all kinds of projects.

Enter Yeoman.

Yeoman is comprised of a set of CLI tools that are based on Node.js – so yes, if you haven’t installed it yet, you may need to. The package can be installed with npm. The [getting started] will walk you through the steps.

Install the tools:

npm install --global yo

Install a generator (e.g. jekyll):

npm install --global generator-jekyllrb

Get started, please note our little friend will ask you some questions so please pay attention.

$ yo jekyllrb

    |       |
    |--(o)--|   .--------------------------.
   `---------´  |    Welcome to Yeoman,    |
    ( _´U`_ )   |   ladies and gentlemen!  |
    /___A___\   '__________________________'
     |  ~  |
 ´   `  |° ´ Y `

This generator will scaffold and wire a Jekyll site. Yo, Jekyllrb!

Tell us a little about yourself. ☛
[?] Name: Damien Nozay
[?] Email: damien@example.com
... more prompts ...

And when it’s done, you can see what it has generated for you:

$ git status -uall
On branch master

Initial commit

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

If we were using jekyll directly rather than yo, we would be starting the edit-compile-serve / edit-preview loop with jekyll serve; with the inputs I gave to yo, I chose to use grunt which takes care of that.

grunt serve

And here is our shiny new blog:

jekyllrb generated page